Create Playlists/Add Tracks To A Playlist

■Add Music To A Playlist
ーAdd the whole album
Under the album page, tap the [+] icon and choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

ーAdd multiple tracks:
1. Under the album page, tap the [+] icon.
2. Tap the [XX song(s) selected.] and UNCHECK the songs you do not want. Tap the [<] icon to return to the previous page.
3. Choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

ーAdd single track:
Tap the [‧‧‧] to the right of the track and choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

■Add Music To A Playlist
ーAdd the whole album
Under the album page, tap the [+] icon and choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

ーAdd multiple tracks:
1. Under the album page, tap the [+] icon.
2. Tap the [XX song(s) selected.] and UNCHECK the songs you do not want. Tap the [<] icon to return to the previous page.
3. Choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

ーAdd single track:
Tap the [‧‧‧] to the right of the track and choose to add songs to a new playlist or under an existing playlist.

■Create A Playlist
1. Click on [Create Playlist].
2. Name your playlist and click [OK].

■Add Music To A Playlist
ーAdd the whole album/ playlist
Under the album/playlist page, click the [Add to My Library] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd multiple tracks:
Select multiple (by holding down the [Ctrl] key), click the [+] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.
You can also drag and drop the tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd single track:
Click the [‧‧‧] to the right of the track, click [Add to My Library] and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

■Create A Playlist
1. Click on [Create Playlist].
2. Name your playlist and click [OK].

■Add Music To A Playlist
ーAdd the whole album/ playlist
Under the album/playlist page, click the [Add to My Library] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd multiple tracks:
Select multiple (by holding down the [Ctrl] key), click the [+] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.
You can also drag and drop the tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd single track:
Click the [‧‧‧] to the right of the track, click [Add to My Library] and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

■Create A Playlist
1. Click on [Create Playlist].
2. Name your playlist and click [OK].

■Add Music To A Playlist
ーAdd the whole album/ playlist
Under the album/playlist page, click the [Add to My Library] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd multiple tracks:
Select multiple (by holding down the [Ctrl] key), click the [+] icon and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.
You can also drag and drop the tracks to an existing playlist.

ーAdd single track:
Click the [‧‧‧] to the right of the track, click [Add to My Library] and choose to create a new playlist, or add tracks to an existing playlist.

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