Trouble Logging In with Apple ID

We no longer support social login in from 13 Feb 2023 and have removed the "Sign in with Apple" buttons from all platforms on 17 July 2023. You can no longer log in KKBOX using Apple ID.

If you did not hide your email address when you first log in to KKBOX with "Sign in with Apple", your KKBOX account (KK ID) is your Apple ID email.
Simply reset your password by referring to the 【I Forgot My Password / How to Reset Password】 article to the bottom of the page and log in KKBOX app with your account and new password.

However, if you choose "Hide my email", Apple will provide a set of email address to KKBOX as your account. Refer to the following steps to bind your phone number to your KKBOX account. 

1. Launch KKBOX App and tap the [For You] tab.
2. Tap the "Exclusive Link" button.
3. Enter your phone number and verify your number.
4. Create password (please note password is case-sensitive).
5. Log out of KKBOX App and log back in using your phone number and new password.

You can double check your account information at Personal Information.
You can log in KKBOX with either the email address or phone number.

If you have logged out of the KKBOX App before binding your phone number to your account, please access this page on your iOS device and follow the instructions.

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