
【Notice】Update to the Latest App Version


To provide the best music experience, we have made a few adjustments to the system and software architecture. Please update to the latest version to continue the great listening experience.

As of 20th Sep 2024, users of older versions of KKBOX may experience trouble playing music.

  • iOS 7.15.10
  • Android 6.9.80
  • Android STB 8.0.76
  • Android Tablet 6.8.92
  • Android Wear 6.5.90
  • Apple TV 6.4.20

Q1: What if I can't update to the latest version?
A1: Please consider updating the Operating System versions or switch to a device that supports the latest KKBOX versions.

Q2: How to update KKBOX on my smart TV?
A2: Please contact your smart TV maker for assistance.