How to Submit Lyrics

KKBOX provide Rolling Lyrics that allows you to listen to songs ‬while ‬looking at ‬the lyrics, ‬word by word.‬‬
Because all KKBOX lyrics have been contributed by our members, not all songs come with lyrics.

Step 1‭: ‬Getting Ready
We suggest layout the lyrics ‬one sentence, row by row and copy the lyrics.

Step 2: Begin Submitting
1. Play the song‭ you are submitting for‭.
2. Tap [Lyrics] → [Submit Lyrics].

3. Paste the lyrics you have ready in "Step 1", and tap [Adjust Time].

Step 3‭: ‬Set the Time
1‭. Tap the ‬‭[Play] button to the bottom of the page.
2. Set the starting time for each‭ ‬line‭ by tapping on .
 ※The starting time of each‭ ‬line‭ ‬will be the ending time ‬for‭ the previous ‬line.

3‭. Tap  to edit lyrics:
 ■ Fine tune time: Tap「<」or「>」to adjust the start and end time for the line.
 ■ Delete line: Tap 
 ■ Insert line: Tap 

Save your progress by tapping on [Keep] to the top right corner.
The next time you tap on [Submit Lyrics] for the same song, a [Continue editing what you've saved?] message will appear.
Note: You will lose all progress should you choose [Start Over].

Step 4‭: ‬Upload
Tap DONE to the top right corner to complete the submission progress!
 ※If you do not see [DONE], scroll through the lyrics to ensure you do not have any blank lines.
You will be notified of the results by email.

KKBOX provide Rolling Lyrics that allows you to listen to songs ‬while ‬looking at ‬the lyrics, ‬word by word.‬‬ Because all KKBOX lyrics have been contributed by our members, not all songs come with lyrics.
When you successfully submit lyrics to a song, your nickname will show to the bottom of the lyrics page.

Step 1‭: ‬Getting Ready
We suggest layout the lyrics ‬one sentence, row by row and copy the lyrics.

Step 2: Begin Submitting
1. Play the song‭ you are submitting for‭.
2. Tap [Lyrics] → [Submit Lyrics].

3. Paste the lyrics you have ready in "Step 1", and tap [Adjust Time].

Step 3‭: ‬Set the Time
1‭. Tap the ‬‭[Play] button to the bottom of the page.
2. Set the starting time for each‭ ‬line‭ by tapping on .
 ※The starting time of each‭ ‬line‭ ‬will be the ending time ‬for‭ the previous ‬line.

3‭. Tap  to edit lyrics:
 ■ Fine tune time: Tap「<」or「>」to adjust the start and end time for the line.
 ■ Delete line: Tap 
 ■ Insert line: Tap 

Save your progress by tapping on [Keep] to the top right corner.
The next time you tap on [Submit Lyrics] for the same song, a [Continue editing what you've saved?] message will appear.
Note: You will lose all progress should you choose [Start Over].

Step 4‭: ‬Upload
Tap DONE to the top right corner to submit!
 ※If you do not see [DONE], scroll through the lyrics to ensure you do not have any blank lines.
You will be notified of the results by email.

KKBOX provide Rolling Lyrics that allows you to listen to songs while looking at the lyrics, word by word. Because all KKBOX lyrics have been contributed by our members, not all songs come with lyrics.
When you successfully submit lyrics to a song, your nickname will show to the bottom of the lyrics page.

Step 1: Getting Ready
We suggest transcribing the lyrics on text editor apps (such as Word, notepad...etc.) in advance.
※Refer to 【Lyrics Submission Guide】 to the bottom of this page for a list of Do's and Don’ts you need to keep in mind when submitting lyrics.

Step 2: Begin Submitting
1. Play the song you want to submit the lyrics for and click the Lyrics button to the bottom right of the player.
※You will not be able to submit lyrics if you are following a DJ on Listen With.
2. Click [Contribute] and music will stop playing.

3. Transcribe, or paste the lyrics you have ready in "Step 1" and click [Next].

Step 3: Set the Time
1. Click the [Play] button to the bottom of the page.
2. Set the starting time for each line by tapping the "Enter" key.
※The starting time of each line will be the ending time for the previous line.

3. Choose any line and click the [...] to the right of the line to insert a new line, or to delete the selected line.

4. Click the ▷ icon at the beginning of each line to check if the time is in sync with the song. Click the [<] or [>] to adjust the start and end time for the line.

In case you couldn't submit the lyrics at the time you can return to the previous page.
If you do not remove the KKBOX app, the next time you submit the same song you can pick up from where you left of by choosing [OK] when the "Continue editing what you've saved?" message appears.

Step 4: Upload
Click [Submit Lyrics] to upload your lyrics. You will be notified of the results by email.

KKBOX provide Rolling Lyrics that allows you to listen to songs while looking at the lyrics, word by word. Because all KKBOX lyrics have been contributed by our members, not all songs come with lyrics.
When you successfully submit lyrics to a song, your nickname will show to the bottom of the lyrics page.

Step 1: Getting Ready
We suggest transcribing the lyrics on text editor apps (such as Word, notepad...etc.) in advance.
※Refer to 【Lyrics Submission Guide】 to the bottom of this page for a list of Do's and Don’ts you need to keep in mind when submitting lyrics.

Step 2: Begin Submitting
1. Play the song you want to submit the lyrics for and click the Lyrics button to the bottom right of the player.
※You will not be able to submit lyrics if you are following a DJ on Listen With.
2. Click [Contribute] and music will stop playing.

3. Transcribe, or paste the lyrics you have ready in "Step 1" and click [Next].

Step 3: Set the Time
1. Click the [Play] button to the bottom of the page.
2. Set the starting time for each line by tapping the "Enter" key.
※The starting time of each line will be the ending time for the previous line.

3. Choose any line and click the [...] to the right of the line to insert a new line, or to delete the selected line.

4. Click the ▷ icon at the beginning of each line to check if the time is in sync with the song. Click the [<] or [>] to adjust the start and end time for the line.

In case you couldn't submit the lyrics at the time you can return to the previous page.
If you do not remove the KKBOX app, the next time you submit the same song you can pick up from where you left of by choosing [OK] when the "Continue editing what you've saved?" message appears.

Step 4: Upload
Click [Submit Lyrics] to upload your lyrics. You will be notified of the results by email.

KKBOX provide Rolling Lyrics that allows you to listen to songs while looking at the lyrics, word by word. Because all KKBOX lyrics have been contributed by our members, not all songs come with lyrics.
When you successfully submit lyrics to a song, your nickname will show to the bottom of the lyrics page.

Step 1: Getting Ready
We suggest transcribing the lyrics on text editor apps (such as Word, notepad...etc.) in advance.
※Refer to 【Lyrics Submission Guide】 to the bottom of this page for a list of Do's and Don’ts you need to keep in mind when submitting lyrics.

Step 2: Begin Submitting
1. Play the song you want to submit the lyrics for and click the Lyrics button to the bottom right of the player.
※You will not be able to submit lyrics if you are following a DJ on Listen With.
2. Click [Contribute] and music will stop playing.

3. Transcribe, or paste the lyrics you have ready in "Step 1" and click [Next].

Step 3: Set the Time
1. Click the [Play] button to the bottom of the page.
2. Set the starting time for each line by tapping the "Enter" key.
※The starting time of each line will be the ending time for the previous line.

3. Choose any line and click the [...] to the right of the line to insert a new line, or to delete the selected line.

4. Click the ▷ icon at the beginning of each line to check if the time is in sync with the song. Click the [<] or [>] to adjust the start and end time for the line.

In case you couldn't submit the lyrics at the time you can return to the previous page.
If you do not delete the browser's cache, the next time you submit the same song you can pick up from where you left of by choosing [OK] when the "Continue editing what you've saved?" message appears.

Step 4: Upload
Click [Submit Lyrics] to upload your lyrics. You will be notified of the results by email.

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