How To View Lyrics

Play any song and tap the [Lyrics] icon on the playback page.
 ※You can leave the lyrics page by tapping the same icon again.

■You can shrink or enlarge the text size by pinch to zoom in and out.
■Tap the  icon to view the lyrics in full screen;tap the  icon to leave the full screen.
■You can scroll and view any part of the lyrics page. To go back to the part that is being sung, simply tap the  icon.

Play any song and tap the [Lyrics] icon on the playback page.
 ※You can leave the lyrics page by tapping the same icon again.

■You can shrink or enlarge the text size by pinch to zoom in and out.
■Tap the  icon to view the lyrics in full screen;tap the  icon to leave the full screen.
■You can scroll and view any part of the lyrics page. To go back to the part that is being sung, simply tap the  icon.

■Method 1:
Play any song and click the [Lyrics] icon to the bottom right corner.
 ※Click [Lyrics] again to close the lyrics page.

Click the  icon to turn on/off scrolling lyrics and to adjust the size of the text.

■Method 2:
Play any song and click the  icon to switch to the Theatre Mode.
 ※Click the  icon to return to the regular mode.

■Method 3:
1. Play any son and click the  icon to switch to Mini Mode.

2. Move the mouse over the bottom of the mini mode and click the [Lyrics] icon to view the lyrics.

 ※Switch back to regular mode by clicking the  icon.

■Method 1:
Play any song and click the [Lyrics] icon to the bottom right corner.
 ※Click [Lyrics] again to close the lyrics page.

Click the  icon to turn on/off scrolling lyrics and to adjust the size of the text.

■Method 2:
Play any song and click the  icon to switch to the Theatre Mode.
 ※Click the  icon to return to the regular mode.

■Method 3:
1. Play any son and click the  icon to switch to Mini Mode.

2. Move the mouse over the bottom of the mini mode and click the [Lyrics] icon to view the lyrics.

 ※Switch back to regular mode by clicking the  icon.

■Method 1:
Play any song and click the [Lyrics] icon to the bottom right corner.
 ※Click [Lyrics] again to close the lyrics page.

Click the  icon to turn on/off scrolling lyrics and to adjust the size of the text.

■Method 2:
Play any song and click the  icon to switch to the Theatre Mode.
 ※Click the  icon to return to the regular mode.

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