Report Incorrect Music Information/ Audio File/ Lyrics

■ When you find incorrect information in the artist profile/ audio file.
Send us feedback [HERE]

■ When you find a mistake in the lyrics.
Tap on the [Report Lyrics] to the bottom of the lyrics page, and choose the problem type.

■ When you find incorrect information in the artist profile/ audio file.
Send us feedback [HERE]

■ When you find a mistake in the lyrics.
Tap on the [Report Lyrics] to the bottom of the lyrics page, and choose the problem type.

■ When you find incorrect information in the artist profile/ audio file.
Send us feedback [HERE]

■ When you find a mistake in the lyrics.
1. Click on the  icon in the lyrics window and click on [Report Lyrics].

2. Choose the problem type and click on [OK].

■ When you find incorrect information in the artist profile/ audio file.
Send us feedback [HERE]

■ When you find a mistake in the lyrics.
1. Click on the  icon in the lyrics window and click on [Report Lyrics].

2. Choose the problem type and click on [OK].

■ When you find incorrect information in the artist profile/ audio file.
Send us feedback [HERE]

■ When you find a mistake in the lyrics.
1. Click on the  icon in the lyrics window and click on [Report Lyrics].

2. Choose the problem type and click on [OK].

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